Tuition and Fees

Tuition and Fees Background Pic

Payment Information

Tuition for 2024 - 2025

In-District: $87.00/credit hour

Out-of-District: $103.00/credit hour

Out-of-State: $127.00/credit hour

Students may not attend classes until they have paid tuition and fees in full, requested a deferment if eligible for a Title IV financial aid program, or made alternate payment arrangements with the Business Office. Registered students must have tuition and fees paid in full by the payment deadline or have financial aid eligibility established. All other charges, such as payment for lost instructional materials and charges for overdue or lost materials checked out of the Library, must be made prior to graduation, re-enrollment, or the release of transcripts. Personal checks are accepted for payment of accounts. Students may also use VISA, MasterCard or Discover Card to pay tuition, fees, and books. An online payment option is available through MyUACCB ( under the myMoney tab. If payment arrangements are not made prior to the due date, late payment fees may apply. Auditing a course(s) requires official admission to the college.

A student's residency status for tuition purposes is determined at the time of admission according to the policy established by the University of Arkansas Board of Trustees. “In-district” residents are legal residents of Independence County. The student shall be admitted to UACCB as "in-state" for fee purposes if, at the time of admission, they have established a bona fide domicile in Arkansas and have resided continuously in this state in that bona fide domiciliary status for at least six consecutive months prior to the beginning of the term or semester for which fees are paid.

A studentls residency status for tuition purposes is determined at the time of admission. “In-District” residents are legal residents of Independence County. Students shall be admitted to UACCB as “in-state” for fee purposed if, at the time of admission they have established permanent residence in Arkansas and they have resided continuously in this state at that established residence for at least six consecutive months prior to the beginning of the term or semester for which fees are paid.

Refunds - Tuition and Fees

Withdrawal from Courses/Fall or Spring Terms

Any student who officially withdraws from the College during a fall or spring semester shall be entitled to a refund as follows:

Tuition and Fees

  • Up to and including the census day of the term, 100%
    • Census is the eleventh day of a 16 week course, the fifth day of an 8 week course, or the third day of a 4 week course
  • After the census day of the term, No Refund

Dropping a Course/Fall & Spring Terms

Any student who drops one or more courses and continues to be enrolled in the College during a fall or spring semester shall be entitled to individual course refunds as follows:

Tuition and Fees

  • Up to and including the census day of the term, 100%
    • Census is the eleventh day of a 16 week course, the fifth day of an 8 week course, or the third day of a 4 week course
  • After the census day of the term, No Refund

Note: Class days are identified on the academic calendar.

Failure to attend

Failure to attend class does not constitute withdrawal. The appropriate withdrawal process must be followed. Failure to withdraw from classes appropriately may result in owing the federal government repayment of federal funds.

Military Members

MILITARY members who receive order which transfer them out of the area for a prolonged period or members of the National Guard or Reserves who are called to active duty, when such transfer interferes with class attendance, may request a full refund of tuition at any time during the semester. Documentation of orders for transfer must be provided prior to refund being granted. The College as a proration refund policy for students receiving VA benefits. Students receiving VA benefits must request that the prorated refund policy be used for tuition reimbursement.

The College refund policy is subject to change if required by federal regulation or the UA Board of Trustees. Appeals of the refund policy must be submitted in writing to the UACCB Administrative Cabinet.

University of Arkansas Community College - Batesville delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Visit this link for more information:

To view our third-party servicer contract for refund management, click here.

Tuition Waiver Policy

Tuition waivers for credit classes may be granted for course work at UACCB. Proper documentation must be submitted to qualify for the waiver. The following students are eligible for tuition waivers:

Senior Citizen Waivers – Tuition for students age 60 and older is waived. Individuals under this policy must pay all miscellaneous fees that may be required. Enrollment with the senior citizen waiver is limited to a “space available” basis. Tuition waivers DO NOT apply to online courses. 

Children of policemen and firemen killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty  - Children of policemen and firemen killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty in Arkansas are eligible for waivers of tuition. Benefits are limited to duration of four years or until the age of 25, whichever comes first. Tuition waivers DO NOT apply to online courses.

Full-time employees and their immediate family – Tuition remission for full-time employees of UACCB and members of their immediate family may be granted in accordance with UA Board Policy 440.1 and Administrative Memorandum 445.1. “Immediate family” is defined as spouses and dependent children. Dependency must meet the definition of dependency established by the current year IRS regulations

State police officers and their dependents (Act 291 of 2007) – Tuition remission for certain police officers and their dependents in accordance with Act 291 of the 86th General Assembly of the State of Arkansas is as follows: Covered police officers include: any employee of the Department of State Police who holds the rank of state trooper or a higher rank; any highway police officer who is an employee of the Arkansas Highway Policy Division of the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department; any officer of the State Capitol Police; or any wildlife officer of the Arkansas State Game and Fish Commission, all of whom have been employed by these agencies for ten or more years. This does not include civilian employees or a person temporarily employed as a covered police officer due to an emergency situation. Dependent means any natural child, stepchild or adopted child of a covered police officer and any individual of whom a covered police officer is the legal guardian. Allowance of tuition waivers is dependent upon the decision of the covered police officer’s employer and is subject to guidelines as set forth by the employer.

Important Info

Need to know how much school is going to cost? Click here for the UACCB Net Price Calculator.

University of Arkansas Community College - Batesville delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Visit this link for more information:

To view our third-party servicer contract for refund management, click here.

Contact Info

Office hours are 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Phone: 870.612.2005

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