Tobacco Use Policy

Tobacco Use Policy Background Pic

UACCB Tobacco Use Policy

UACCB acknowledges and supports the findings of the surgeon general that tobacco use in any form, active and passive, is a significant health hazard. UACCB further recognizes that environmental tobacco smoke has been classified as a Class-A carcinogen. In light of these health risks, and in support of a safe and healthy learning and working environment, UACCB has set the following 100 percent tobacco-free campus policy which was implemented on August 1, 2010. All colleges and universities in Arkansas were mandated to be smoke free by the Clean Air on Campus Act of 2009.

Smoking or use of other tobacco products is prohibited on all College grounds; UACCB- owned or leased properties, and campus-owned, leased or rented vehicles. This includes but is not limited to all college sidewalks, parking lots, landscaped areas and recreational areas; at lectures, conferences, meetings and social and cultural events held on school property or school grounds of UACCB. Smoking is also prohibited in the interior of all buildings located on the college property, and vehicles owned or operated by UACCB.

Smoking materials must be extinguished and disposed of prior to entering UACCB. Improper disposal includes but is not limited to:

  • spitting smokeless tobacco product
  • littering (i.e., discarded cigarette butts, throwing cigarette butts out of windows)
  • anything that creates fire hazards

This policy applies to all faculty, staff, students, clients, contractors and visitors. The policy is in effect during and after campus hours.

For the purposes of this policy “tobacco” is to include any product containing, made, or derived from tobacco that is intended for human consumption, whether chewed, smoked, absorbed, dissolved, inhaled, snorted, sniffed, or ingested by any other means or any component, part, or accessory of tobacco products including but not limited to: any lighted or unlighted cigarette (clove, bidis, kreteks), cigar, pipe, and any other smoking/vaping product, and spit tobacco, also known as smokeless, dip, chew, snus, and snuff, in any form including, “e-cigarette”, Other Tobacco Products (OTPs), and electronic nicotine devices (ENDs).

The sale of tobacco products or tobacco-related merchandise (including items that display tobacco company logos) is prohibited in and on all college property and at all college- sponsored events, regardless of the vendor.

The free distribution or sampling of tobacco products and associated products is prohibited on all college-owned or leased property and at college-sponsored events, regardless of the venue.

Tobacco industry and related company sponsorship of campus events is prohibited.

UACCB does not accept any direct or indirect funding, gifts or anything else of value from tobacco companies.

Campus officials, staff or other persons representing the campus including campus organizations shall not accept money or gifts or enter into any arrangement, association or partnership with representatives of tobacco companies, including sponsorship of campus events by organizations that promote tobacco use and/or allowing them to distribute free, reduced price or fully priced tobacco products (shirts, hats, etc.) on campus.

All tobacco promotion, advertising, marketing and distribution are prohibited in and on UACCB campus property including college-run publications owned or operated by UACCB.

All students,faculty and staff share in the responsibility for adhering to and enforcing the policy. Violation of this policy is a violation of the Student Conduct Code and subjects violators to the full range of sanctions outlined in the Student Conduct section of the Student Handbook. Violations of this policy by employees will be dealt with by the supervising vice chancellor.

For additional information, refer to the UACCB Policy 235.1.

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