Student Organization Directory
UACCB has several student organizations which volunteer in the community, participate in leadership development, and conduct social, educational, and recreational activities. These organizations offer leadership opportunities, networking, professional experience, and lasting friendships. Student organizations listed on this page currently have an active membership or have had a previous active membership.
Agriculture Club
This club provides engagement opportunities to former FFA members and supporters of FFA and agricultural education. Agriculture Club promotes greater knowledge of the agricultural industry and support education in agriculture, promotes and maintains an appreciation of the American free enterprise system, and promotes the personal development aspect of FFA.
Art Club
Art Club brings together students interested in many forms of art, provides creative and accessible outlets, strives to be a safe environment for students to express themselves, and enhances connections in the community.
Baptist Collegiate Ministry
The Baptist Collegiate Ministry at UACCB has an open membership for any student enrolled in the College. Meetings and activities encourage student fellowship and help students develop leadership skills.
eSports and More
The purpose of this organization is to foster connections between current students and alumni through video games, tabletop games, and films. Students and alumni are free to express themselves through their hobbies and passions. The organization meetings encourage officers and members to learn about leadership, collaboration, event planning, and basic technology problem-solving skills.
First Generation
The First Generation Student Organization (FGSO) provides activities and programs designed to support the education of first-generation students. By having an organized student body of first-generation students, we aim to raise awareness within the community and increase the likelihood of first-generation success at UACCB.
JAG Career Association
A student-led organization for career-minded students who are interested in preparing themselves to enter the workforce.
Multicultural Student Association
The Multicultural Student Association fosters and educates the campus community regarding the culture of historically underrepresented students. The MSA encourages scholarship and the development of leadership skills. Membership is open to all students with an interest in and appreciation for diverse cultures.
Phi Theta Kappa
Beta Mu Beta chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society at UACCB college shall provide recognition for academic excellence and opportunities for all college students to grow as scholars and leaders as early as possible during the pursuit of a college degree credential.
Campus Ministry International-Soul
The Campus Ministries International (CMI Soul) has been established to create an environment where students are provided the opportunity to study the Bible in reference to the great commission given by Jesus in Matthew 28 as fulfilled in Acts 2.
Student Government Association
The Student Government Association at UACCB effectively represents the interests and the opinions of the Student Body, promote projects beneficial to the Student Body, and to serve as an official voice of the Student Body on matters of policy and implementation.
Student Ambassadors
Student Ambassadors provide tours to prospective students and act as representatives of UACCB. Students gain valuable leadership and communication skills as part of our ambassador program.
This health and wellness organization promotes an active lifestyle through organized hiking trips, running, and more.
UACCB Debate Club
This organization teaches students effective communication skills that will help them communicate and be persuasive with individuals of diverse backgrounds across various topics. Students will become educated on a wide range of topics and learn to articulate their points on a competitive, intercollegiate level. Students will improve their research, organization, and writing skills.
UACCB Unity provides a safe space to motivate the student body to open themselves up to diversity, especially diverse sexual and gender-related orientation. This organization aims to bring together like-minded individuals & raise awareness on a variety of issues facing the LGBTQ+ community. Unity is also here to foster relationships with others, creating a community for those who may feel outcasted from the larger student body here at UACCB. We strive to connect people through activity & discussion, finding a balance meant to make many feel welcomed and involved and to give individuals a safe environment to be themselves.