Financial Aid

Financial Aid Background Pic

Financial Aid

The mission of the Financial Aid Office is to help eligible students fund their college education at UACCB. We understand that you probably have many questions about how to apply for financial aid and what may be expected of you. We hope that this website will answer some of your general questions, but please feel free to contact our office at any time. You may call our office or email our staff at

Applying for federal funding, such as Pell grants and student loans, requires that you complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You can check the status of your application by logging into your Federal Student Aid FAFSA account. The UACCB Federal School Code is 014042.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Federal regulations require financial aid recipients to maintain "satisfactory academic progress" (SAP) toward a recognized degree or certificate. Satisfactory academic progress applies to all students who receive any type of financial assistance (institutional, state or federal) administered by UACCB and will be reviewed after every payment period (summer/fall/spring).

Minimum grade point average

UACCB's satisfactory academic progress policy requires that at each evaluation period a student has a GPA of at least 2.0.

Quantitative Standards - Maximum timeframe/150% Rule

Regulations state that a student must complete his/her program within 150 percent of the published credit length of his/her particular program. Students will not be eligible for financial aid for any credits that are attempted in excess of 150 percent of the published credit length. Credits transferred to UACCB shall be included in the calculation of attempted and earned credits for the purpose of determining the total 150 percent timeframe.

Minimum rate of successful course completion

In order for a student to successfully complete his/her program within the maximum credit hour time frame, she/he must successfully complete ("D" or better, or satisfactory "S") 67% of all attempted credits.


Every academic year each student MUST COMPLETE the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine eligibility for any type of federal grant.

Federal Pell Grant

What is a Federal Pell Grant?
A Federal Pell Grant is awarded to help Undergraduate students pay for their education after high school. For the Federal Pell Grant Program, an undergraduate is one who has not earned a bachelor's or professional degree. These Grants provide a "foundation" of financial aid for many students to which aid from other federal sources may be added. Unlike loans, grants do not have to be repaid.
How much can I receive from a Federal Pell Grant?
The amount awarded will depend not only on your Expected Family Contribution (EFC), but on the cost of education, enrollment status, and whether or not attendance is for a full academic year or less. Review the Pell Grant payment schedule by clicking on the appropriate Pell Grant Chart.
Can I receive a Federal Pell Grant if I am enrolled less than half-time?
Yes, if you are otherwise eligible. You will not receive as much as if you were full-time, but your school must disburse your Pell Grant funds in accordance with your enrollment status and cannot refuse to award you simply because you are enrolled less than half-time.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

What is FSEOG?
This is a grant intended to supplement other aid received. These grants are federally funded with each school receiving a fixed amount each year. Therefore, funds are awarded to a limited number of undergraduate students with exceptional financial need. An FSEOG does not have to be repaid.
How much can I get from an FSEOG?
FSEOG grants at UACCB may range from $200 to $600 per academic year depending on the availability of funds.

State Grants

The State of Arkansas provides several grants and scholarships. State financial aid may include the Governor's Distinguished Scholarship, Arkansas Academic Challenge Traditional & Non-traditional Scholarship, Arkansas Future Grant, Arkansas Workforce Challenge, Military Dependent's Scholarship, and Law Enforcement Officers Dependent's Scholarship. For information on these programs visit

Work Study

Every academic year each student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine eligibility for work-study.

Work-Study FAQ

What is Federal College Work-Study? (FCWS)
This program provides jobs for students with financial need, allowing them to earn money to help pay for college expenses.
How much can I earn on FCWS?
Earnings will be at least the current federal minimum wage. The total amount that you earn will depend on the number of hours that you work each week. Most students work between 10 and 20 hours per week and are paid every two weeks. You will be notified by your employer or the Financial Aid Office concerning your FCWS eligibility.
What are my responsibilities as an FCWS worker?

As a student worker, your responsibilities are to be willing to work and perform your assigned duties to the best of your ability. Be prepared for an interview and/or orientation session with a prospective employer.

You must be dependable, prompt, reliable, and work the required period of time. If you must be absent from work, your supervisor should be notified prior to your scheduled work time. You should not expect to be allowed to study while at work.

How to Apply

If you are interested in applying for a work-study position, please call 870-612-2000 or come by the UACCB Main Campus Building Room 225 to speak with a representative from the UACCB Financial Aid office to determine your eligibility.

After your eligibility is confirmed, for external candidates please visit this site to apply and choose "Batesville" under locations to complete the application for available Work Study positions on campus.

For internal candidates:

  1. Log in to Workday.
  2. Search “Find Jobs for Students” in the search box. Click on the “Find Jobs for Students” link under Tasks and Reports to view all open positions.
  3. Once you've submitted an application, click My Applications to view the status.

Direct Student Loans

Direct Loans are low-interest loans for students and parents to help pay for the cost of a student's education after high school. The lender is the U.S. Department of Education rather than a bank or other financial institution. For more detailed information on the Direct Loan program, please visit Fees are deducted from the Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized loan proceeds when they are disbursed.

If you would like to be processed for a student loan, you are required to adhere to the following policies:

Subsidized Direct Loan

  • Complete the FAFSA: Loans are awarded based on financial need determined by your FAFSA application.
  • Repay the subsidized loan.
  • Be enrolled for at least six credits per term throughout the entire loan period.
  • Complete on-line Entrance Counseling.
  • Meet "Satisfactory Academic Progress."
  • Electronically complete and sign your Master Promissory Note (MPN).
  • There is a 30-day delayed disbursement period for all first-time borrowers at UACCB.
  • No repayment is required while you are enrolled at least half time and no interest accrues while you are enrolled at least half time.
  • Complete exit counseling before you become enrolled in less than six credits or graduate from UACCB.
  • All loan funds are distributed by check or direct deposit in two disbursements per semester
  • You cannot be in default on a Federal Student Loan or owe an overpayment on a Federal Student loan or grant.

Unsubsidized Direct Loans

  • Complete the FAFSA. Loans are awarded based on financial need determined by your FAFSA application.
  • Repay the unsubsidized loan. No repayment is required while you are enrolled at least half time (six credit hours).
  • Interest starts accruing at the time of disbursement.
  • Be enrolled for at least six credits per term throughout the entire loan period.
  • Complete on-line Entrance Counseling.

  • Meet "Satisfactory Academic Progress."
  • Electronically complete and sign your Master Promissory Note (MPN).
  • There is a 30-day delayed disbursement period for all first-time borrowers at UACCB.
  • Complete exit counseling before you become enrolled in less than six credits or graduate from UACCB.
  • All loan funds are distributed by check or direct deposit in two disbursements per semester.
  • You cannot be in default on a Federal Student Loan or owe an overpayment on a Federal Student loan or grant.

Loan FAQ

Do I have to complete a Direct Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN)?
Yes. All borrowers must complete an MPN once for each school they attend in order to receive their loans. This applies to both Direct AND Parent PLUS borrowers. You can do this at You will need to have your FSA ID to sign your MPN electronically.
I have previously completed entrance counseling for my Direct Loans at another school. Do I have to complete Direct Loan entrance counseling?
Yes, new borrowers to UACCB will be required to complete entrance counseling. To complete this, please go to
When can I complete the new MPN?
You can complete your new MPN at any time – even if you have not received a financial aid award.
I am a parent. I plan to borrow a PLUS loan for my student. Do I have to complete a Master Promissory Note?
If you are a new borrower then yes, you will need to complete not only an MPN but also a PLUS Loan Request form. If you are a continuing borrower, you ONLY need to complete a new PLUS Loan Request form. You complete this PLUS Request process online at
How/when will I have to repay my loans?
Once you are no longer taking at least 6 credits (because you graduated, withdrew, only taking 4 credits, etc.), you have a choice – you may either make individual payments to your loan servicer for your direct loans, or you can consolidate your federal loans into one payment. To view your lenders/servicers go to For consolidation questions go to
Is there a place that will list all of my Federal Student Loans?
Yes. You can go to the NSLDS (National Student Loan Data System) website to retrieve this information. Log in using your FSA ID. From the federal dashboard, click on Manage Loans. This will show you a list of all of the Federal student loans that you have acquired through your schooling.
If I still have more questions about the direct loan program, who do I contact?
The U. S. Department of Education Direct Loan Program Customer Service phone number is 800.557.7394 or you can go to their website at

Important Info

The Financial Aid office is located in Suite 225 in the Main Classroom Building.

Office hours are 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Contact Info

Financial Aid Office

Debbie Wyatt
Financial Aid Director

Pam Smith
Assistant Financial Aid Director

Phyllis Gardner
Financial Aid Specialist

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