Awareness and Prevention Programs

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Awareness and Prevention Programs

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Regulations

UACCB regulations specify that the manufacture, use, possession, or sale of illegal drugs, controlled substances and alcohol beverages on or about campus or as part of any of its activities are in violation of College policy. Serious offenses which are subject to disciplinary or restricting action are: use, possession, sale, distribution, or manufacture of alcoholic beverages, marijuana, illegal drugs or controlled substances, except as prescribed by a registered medical doctor; arrest for violation of local, state, or federal drug law which adversely affects the student's suitability as a member of the College community, and violations of Arkansas or federal criminal statutes.

The disciplinary response by UACCB to violations of these policies may range from required enrollment in a drug and alcohol education course to expulsion from the College. Evidence of serious offenses such as manufacture, sale, or distribution will be referred to state and/or federal law enforcement authorities.

Biennial Review of Policies and Programs

UACCB conducts a biennial review of the program and policies to determine their effectiveness, implement changes to the program if they are needed, and ensures that the disciplinary sanctions are consistently enforced.

Health Risks in Using Alcohol

Alcohol consumption causes a number of marked changes in behavior. Even low doses significantly impair the judgment and coordination required to drive a car safely, increasing the likelihood that the driver will be involved in an accident. Low to moderate doses of alcohol cause marked impairments in higher mental functions, severely altering a person's ability to learn and remember information. Very high doses cause respiratory depression and death. If combined with other depressants of the central nervous system, much lower doses of alcohol will produce the effects just described.

Repeated use of alcohol can lead to dependence. Sudden cessation of alcohol intake is likely to produce withdrawal symptoms including severe anxiety, tremors, hallucinations, and convulsions. Alcohol withdrawal can be life threatening. Long-term consumption of large quantities of alcohol, especially when combined with poor nutrition, can also lead to permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and the liver.

Mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy may give birth to infants with fetal alcohol syndrome. These infants have irreversible physical abnormalities and mental retardation. In addition, research indicates that children of alcoholic parents are at greater risk than other children of becoming alcoholics.

Health Risks Associated with Controlled Substances

Many controlled substances have therapeutic value when used under controlled conditions such as when a physician prescribes a substance with certain dietary restrictions and, in many cases, hospitalization. However, when controlled substances are used outside these limits, very serious effects can result.

Penalties for Drug and Alcohol Abuse in Motor Vehicles

The State of Arkansas has specific penalties for alcohol and drug abuse in connection with the operation of a motor vehicle. Specifically, Act 836 makes it unlawful and punishable for any individual under the age of twenty-one to operate or be in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or similar intoxicant.

A person who drives a motor vehicle while influenced or affected by the ingestion of alcohol, a controlled substance, or any intoxicant commits the offense of driving while intoxicated. Penalties for such an offense may include: suspension of license, probation, imprisonment, fines of no less than $150, payment of an additional $250 in court costs, public service work as deemed appropriate by the court, and a requirement to complete an alcohol education program as prescribed and approved by the Arkansas Highway Safety Program or an alcoholism treatment program as approved by the Officeon Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention. A blood alcohol level of 0.05 may be considered with other competent evidence in determining guilt or innocence. A blood alcohol level of .10 or more shall give rise to a presumption of intoxication.

For individuals under the age of 21, a blood alcohol level of one-fiftieth of one percent (0.02%), but less than one-tenth of one percent (0.10%), by weight of alcohol in the person's blood, it is unlawful and punishable to operate or be in actual physical control of a motor vehicle.

Penalties for Possession of Illegal Drugs and Substances

There are both federal and Arkansas penalties for illegal possession of controlled substances and illegal drugs. Penalties frequently change; therefore, for updated information, check with your local law enforcement agencies.

Drug Treatment Available

There are groups, offices, agencies, and hospitals in the Batesville area that offer drug treatment and rehabilitation services and programs. Information about programs is available in the Office of Testing & Disability Services. Additional resources can be located in the yellow pages of the telephone directory under the headings “Alcoholism Information and Treatment Centers” and “Drug Abuse and Addiction Information and Treatment.”

Sexual Assault and Abuse Awareness Program

The Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act requires that students be provided information concerning campus sexual assault programs and the procedures which should be followed once an offense has occurred. This information is available in the UACCB Annual Security Report which can be found on the UACCB web site and in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.

Constitution Day

In December 2004, Senator Robert C. Byrd offered an amendment that was passed by both the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate in an attempt to increase constitutional knowledge. The legislation requires implementation of educational programs that relate to the United States Constitution. September 17 of each year was selected as the date for the celebration due to the fact that September 17, 1787, was the day the delegates to the Constitutional Convention met for the last time to sign the United States Constitution and to present it to the American public. UACCB recognizes and promotes constitutional education.

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