Student Spotlight: Josey Duncan

Posted Date - 2/3/25
Josey Duncan speaking at the UACCB Fall 2025 Commencement

Josey Duncan is the first in her family to go to college and earn a degree – and she’s obtained it before graduating high school.

Josey is a senior at Southside Charter High School who began taking college classes through the University of Arkansas Community College at Batesville’s concurrent program. This allows high school students to accumulate college credits at a discounted rate while getting a head start on their higher education.

“With Southside allowing students to take college classes, I was able to finish high school with an associate’s degree,” Josey said. “I started off easy, only taking a few classes my freshman and sophomore years. Then I kicked it in high gear my junior year.” She was also able to take CLEP (College-Level Examination Program) exams which measure a student’s level of comprehension and awards college credit.

Not only is Josey a college graduate at 17, but she also served as the president of UACCB’s Student Government Association, and the president of Phi Theta Kappa honor society while on campus.

Josey said she owes a lot of her motivation and drive to her family. “My mom is an immigrant, and my dad is a blue-collar worker. I am the first college graduate in my family.”

She said she comes from a long line of “amazing examples” who taught her to work hard because no dream was impossible. “My parents always said it doesn’t matter what interests you have or hobbies, sports or art, whatever it is, just give 100 percent no matter what you do.”

Growing up in a rural area outside of Bald Knob, Josey quickly became interested in science. From animal science to astronomy, her interest increased as she entered high school. Josey planned to pursue a career in healthcare, but discovered her passion for sports and science could intersect.

“Athletic training was something I never considered but I was an athlete my entire life.”

She said at age 3, she played soccer and continued that for 10 years, mixing in tee-ball, basketball and competitive and sideline cheer. “I’ve been constantly surrounded by sports and always had a passion for it, but I could not see myself coaching,” she said. “I found this beautiful middle ground of being an athletic trainer.”

While looking into what a typical day might be like in this field, she said she contacted some trainers. “They gave me some amazing advice, and it appealed to me even more. The more I learned, the more I wanted to do it,” she said.

Because of Josey’s hard work and determination, she was able to walk across the stage at UACCB’s Fall Commencement and accept her Associate of Science in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), on Friday, December 13, 2024.

“UACCB has provided me with amazing opportunities and because of the 2+2 transfer agreement, I will be going to the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville,” she said.

UACCB has more than 70 2+2 agreements with universities across the state, allowing students to start degree requirements for various bachelor’s degrees including STEM.

Josey said she plans to earn a bachelor of science in exercise science, then enroll in an accelerated path to obtain her master’s of athletic training. “A traditional master’s degree takes two years, so with the accelerated path, I will be able to get my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in three years (instead of four).”

Josey said she wants to pave the way for her younger brother as well as other first-generation college students and set a good example.

“UACCB has equipped me with so much, like a solid academic foundation and leadership skills,” she said. “I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to be here.”

Story by Andrea Bruner

Josey Duncan speaking at the UACCB Fall 2025 Commencement
Josey Duncan speaking at the UACCB Fall 2025 Commencement
Josey Duncan receiving her diploma from Dr. Brian Shonk at the UACCB Fall 2025 Commencement
Josey Duncan receiving her diploma from Dr. Brian Shonk at the UACCB Fall 2025 Commencement
Josey Duncan before the UACCB Fall 2025 Commencement
Josey Duncan before the UACCB Fall 2025 Commencement

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