Caring Campus

Caring Campus Background Pic

Caring Campus

Behavioral Commitments

UA Batesville has implemented the following behavioral commitments as a Caring Campus:

Traditional (face-to-face) Commitments

  • Wear Nametags — every employee will wear their name tag
  • First Week Greeting — UA Batesville will host a welcome week each new semester
  • Cross-Departmental Reference Guide — created to help understand each other's roles
  • Ten-Foot Rule & Warm Referrals — If a visitor or student on campus looks like they need help and an employee is within 10 feet away, they will help the person and take them where they need to go

Virtual Commitments

  • Information Up Front — when working with students or guests on the phone or remotely, the UA Batesville employee will provide their name, department, and phone number
  • Reach out to all students — UA Batesville will ensure both in-person, hybrid, and online students get equal access to information/resources
  • Cross-Departmental Reference Video(s) — created to help understand each other's roles, particularly part-time or adjunct faculty not always on campus
  • Reaching out Virtually & Warm Referrals — Even for students on the phone or online, if someone needs help an employee will make a warm referral by calling a coworker ahead or providing some connection between themselves and another department

Faculty Commitments

  1. Engage students in a first day experience
  2. Learn and regularly use students' names
  3. Clearly communicate about the course
  4. Create moments that matter
  5. Assign and assess early and often
  6. Practice situational fairness

Important Info

What is Caring Campus?

  • An intentional effort to make students feel welcome and a sense of connectedness to UA Batesville
  • Engages the underutilized professional staff who are typically missing from student success efforts
  • Helps professional staff connect with one another and with other employee groups to create a positive college environment
  • Creates behavior change that influences culture change across campus
  • Causes the college to reexamine policy barriers to student success

Contact Info

Caring Campus Staff Liaison

Zach Perrine
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Independence Hall 100G
(870) 612-2014

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Employees will return to campus Friday, February 21. Remote learning will continue for students.

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